Movies, TV Series, and now K-dramas have been a huge part of a Filipino family’s lives for a while now. Since the arrival of the Taiwanese drama “Meteor Garden” in 2001, clamor from Filipinos for TV series with exciting plots have increased up to today with this comes with the rise of the need of Subtitle Translations. So, why does one need a subtitle translator ? To Help the Deaf Source: One thing that makes this earth so equal is the fact that movies are made for everyone. With an absence of an interpreter, subtitles help the deaf community to read and understand the flow of a movie. To Help Those Who Wants to Learn Other Languages Source: One of the advices that my former English teacher gave me apart from reading and reading books is to watch English movies. Watching movies is one of the best ways to learn a language. You will learn correct pronunciation and at the same time the proper usage of the words...